Puerto Vallarta fishing report April 2018 starts off with some incredible news. All fishing grounds are closed until farther notice. April’s fools just kidding the fishing is great and the marlin action is off the charts. The offshore fishing action could not be better. We fished on the north side of Puerto Vallarta including the Punta Mita fishing grounds and we were seeing sailfish and marlin in all the right spots. These pelagic fish were biting on black bart lures trolled around 7 to 8 knots. The very best bite was on live pitch baits. We are sight vesting these giant fish while trolling out best lure along with some hot teasers. If we can’t raise them with the teasers we are throwing the pitch baits when we see them finning. I cast over a hundred times yesterday so be sure and bring your power bars or what ever you use for that extra energy.
You will need it fishing this time of the year. I almost forgot to mention the yellowtail AKA jack carevalles are tearing up the water. With catching 10 sailfish and marlin a day we landed 40 of these strong fighting fishing all in the 20 to 30 lbs. class. My repeat clients requested and early return to the dock after so many billfish and the fantastic action we were having on light tackle with all the jack cerevalles we caught yesterday. There we light winds and for the most the seas were flat like most of our clients like them. April fishing means the beginning of spring and lot of sardines and other boat fish show up around our shores. This is the number # 1 reason all of these billfish are holding in Puerto vallarta and Punta Mita. The water temp is around 77 deg. And the stripped marlin love this tempeture. It would be nice if we had the perfect blue water but these fish follow the bait and water temperatures before looking for blue water. Looking at the terrafin charts along with my thirty so odd years for fishing here the blue water will be following the bait and the fishing will be hot for Puerto vallarta this spring.

catching marlin in Puerto Vallarta on Dos Amigos
This spring break we had so many family and young men/girls on our boats. I was happy to see the bay fishing producing so many fish. All of the fishng trips in Puerto Vallarta were successful . The bay fishing is hot with some Spanish mackerel, bonita, snapper,yellowtail and even a few marlin the last few days.

hooked up
Took eleven year old Jack out and his family and he landed a 9 ft stripped marlin on one of our six hour trips. His first big fish and what a way to start your fishing career off with a marlin just off Punta Mita. The water inside the bay has been clam with light winds. The temperature is around 80 degrees in afternoon . The water temperature is holding in the high seventy’s. The bay fishing here I Puerto Vallarta will remain strong and the weather should be perfect.
If you are a family or a couple looking for action here in Puerto Vallarta we can help you with 28 ft. super pangas all the way up to 100 ft. larger yachts.
Please check out our website for cost, reports, pics, and latest conditions.
Tight Lines
Capt. Pete and crews
toll free for any questions 800 430 6048
off: 322 22 10920
cel: 322 29 46240